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Te Araroa 23: Rakaia & Rangitata Rivers
Hiking between the two mighty and uncrossable rivers was surprisingly beautiful and wild.
(more…)Te Araroa 22: Harpers Pass to Goat Pass
The Te Araroa had me hiking over mountain passes and crossing rivers in this next section of trail.
(more…)Te Araroa 21: Waiau Pass
Waiau Pass is by far my favorite section of the Te Araroa with its stunning beauty and challenging terrain.
(more…)Te Araroa 20: Richmond Range Part II
The second half of the Richmond Range is quite the contrast with its desert-feels and red landscape.
(more…)Te Araroa 19: Richmond Range Part I
The Richmond Range did not disappoint, providing the best views on the Te Araroa and most difficult terrain.